Sunday 13 December 2015

Teaching from the fringe: Campbell Law's extremism problem


And they claim Liberal professors are crazy:

But there’s another reason. Many gun-control advocates don’t like guns and don’t want anyone having guns. Their endgame is not gun control, but gun confiscation. Obama has pointed to the mass confiscation of guns in Australia as a model for the United States – despite the fact that the Australian ban had no effect on firearm homicides. Current gun-control proposals are just intermediate steps toward registration, then confiscation.

That's right, a professor who is teaching students who will one day soon practice law in our courtrooms, and some who will (God help us) eventually don robes as judges, has bought into the fringe belief that government is coming for your guns. And his "legal" argument is based on words taken out of context and parroted by the NRA and Brietbart:

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