Thursday 31 December 2015

DAG McCrory's prognosis: Toast or toasted in victory?

Our pal Bob Geary thinks it's a done deal:

From a progressive standpoint, his record is a disaster made worse—for McCrory's purposes—by the fact that he's so often been a hapless bystander when Republican bills were speeding to enactment. But let's face it. For every voter who thinks Republican policies are killing the state, there's another who thinks the opposite—and who believes that a governor who does nothing is doing what he ought to do.

What will make the difference, I predict, are the host of small scandals and brewing screw-ups that surround McCrory. They will mark him, finally, as the kind of corrupt, Republican-establishment traitor so despised by the angry tea-party crowds backing Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Corrupt and—in Trump lingo—low-energy. Plus, "stupid."

It defies logic, of course. The policies that have harmed so many of our people should be the deciding factor. But as we've seen in the past, NC voters soon forget the pain of their neighbors, but don't forget the stink of corruption and shady dealings. Another strike against McCrory is the loss of crossover votes. The first time around, way too many Democrats (17%?) thought they would be getting moderate, metropolitan Mayor Pat, but that myth is long dead. So is having a lukewarm opponent. Here's a quick test: Without resorting to Google, who was his Democratic opponent? Come on, it was only three years ago! Answer below the fold:

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