Friday 7 October 2016

Van der Vaart continues his political gamesmanship

Attacking the Federal government and Roy Cooper whenever he's given the opportunity:

The U.S. Supreme Court took the unprecedented step this year of halting the Obama administration’s attempt to take over the nation’s electricity system. The federal scheme, supported by North Carolina’s attorney general, would punish lower- and middle-class families by increasing energy bills more than $400 a year.

The Obama administration also enacted a rule known as Water of the United States, or WOTUS, that would severely restrict the use of all private lands east of Interstate 95 in North Carolina. Without the support of the North Carolina attorney general, our department joined with 30 other states and convinced a federal judge to put the Obama administration rule on hold.

Apparently some little legal birdie advised him to knock off using Roy Cooper's actual name in these relentless attacks, but he just can't seem to communicate with the public without trying to score political points. What he (and his boss McCrory) don't seem to understand: Every time he does this, he proves that partisanship is more important than safeguarding the environment. It doesn't reassure people, it does just the opposite, and come January, he will have all the time in the world to contemplate the failure of his logic.

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