Saturday 1 October 2016

Republican calls for deregulation should be ignored

Corporations are already out of control:

“You have regulations on top of regulations, and new companies cannot form and old companies are going out of business. And you (Hillary Clinton) want to increase the regulations and make them even worse. I’m going to cut regulations.” Even as Donald Trump’s words were echoing in the Hofstra University auditorium Monday night, outraged members of Congress – Democrats and Republicans -- had been grilling pharmaceutical and banking executives over bilking American consumers.

Mylan inflated profits for lifesaving drugs with sky-high pricing and Wells Fargo Bank set up phony consumer banking accounts, without customers’ knowledge or permission. On the state level, the failure of Duke Energy – the nation’s largest investor-owned electric utility -- to adequately monitor and handle coal ash waste at power generation sites has been the subject of hearings, lawsuits and paltry fines.

It never ceases to amaze me how so many in the GOP's base buy into this crap. In the total absence of government regulation, those blue-collar workers and retirees would be struggling a hell of a lot harder than they are now, and dying in much larger numbers. But they've been sold on the idea that government is the source for all their woes, and the people selling them that lie are raking in campaign contributions from the very companies that are ripping these people off. And it's not a secret. A quick search of the FEC's campaign database is all they need to do to connect the dots, but they (apparently) don't care to learn. If they did, they would understand the need for this:

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