Sunday 2 October 2016

McCrory gains an ally in his crusade against national media

Deflecting about CNN ignoring his attempt to deflect:

On Sept. 23, as Gov. Pat McCrory was trying to tell the world just how bad the flooding in northeastern North Carolina was, CNN cut its powerful cameras away. Then its talking heads groused that the flooding wasn’t as serious as the Charlotte police shooting and the rioting that followed.

Bullcrap. On that I suspect McCrory and I agree. “Windsor, northeastern North Carolina, did not suit the ratings game,” he told me Wednesday. “And there are people suffering down there.”

I don't mean to come off as unsympathetic, and CNN does seem to be operating like a twelve-year-old with an attitude is running things. But (unless I missed it) nobody was injured in the flooding of Windsor, and only 65 of the meager 3,600 residents had to be evacuated. Putting CNN's priorities aside for a moment, this is just one more example of McCrory getting pissy because mainstream media did not do what he wanted them to do. I feel for the people of Windsor, because this is the third time they've been flooded in the last couple of decades. The most important thing this angry editorialist can do is follow up and see if McCrory actually does something to help instead of talking and shaking hands:

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