Sunday 9 October 2016

Climate Change and the electric vehicle vs gas debate


Where you live is an important factor:

As vehicles powered by electricity make up a larger percentage of the nation's fleet over the next generation, demand for electricity could surge. That extra power has to come from somewhere — and right now, nearly two-thirds of electricity generated in Michigan comes from burning fossil fuels.

This is a subject that comes up *every single time* I get into a debate with climate change deniers, when discussing zero-emissions electric vehicles. But unlike many of their other arguments, there is more than just a grain of truth in their position. When you tap power from the grid, it makes a direct connection with "how" that grid generates its power. If we choose to ignore that, we're no better than those who ignore all the costs associated with other forms of industrial pollution. Before we proceed, here's a related personal anecdote:

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