Tuesday 3 May 2016

Tell Burr: Give us a positive blue slip or expect a pink slip


The master of "doing nothing."

If North Carolina residents want to know what Timmons-Goodson did that turned her from a distinguished, easily elected jurist to this political pariah, they won’t hear the reason from Burr. Instead, he issued a statement blaming Obama for breaking an agreement about appointments and not consulting with him before making the nomination.

If the framers of the Constitution wanted Senators to make a list of preferred judicial candidates and force the Executive to choose from that list, they would have included it in the powers vested to the Legislative Branch. They didn't, for precisely this very reason. It's a Federal court, not a state court, and the potential conflicts of interest for a state delegate to choose these judges are legion. Do your fricking job, or start looking for another lawn mower retailer.


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