Monday 16 May 2016

EU condemns HB2, eliciting expected absurdities from NC GOP

Trying to outstupid each other:

Gov. Pat McCrory’s campaign spokesman, Ricky Diaz, dismissed the EU move in a brief statement Friday afternoon. “We relinquished our adherence to the British crown and European powers over 200 years ago,” Diaz said. “The law is now in federal court, where it will be resolved.”

N.C. Republican Party executive director Dallas Woodhouse said the move is “absolutely no surprise since North Carolina Democrats led by Roy Cooper want to install European socialist policies ... that are an affront to the common sense traditions of North Carolina and America.”

Wait, I'm confused. Should we be afraid of Autocracy or Socialism? Pretty sure you can't have both. Y'all need to get on the same sheet of fear-mongering music.

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