Thursday 19 May 2016

The #goacc Moment of the Week (5/19/2016)

The weekly in-depth look at the best (worst?) moments in ACC schadenfreude.

Hoo boy, it's been a wild few days around here, eh? Hopefully all these Seahawks Russell truthers can let us have a moment of peace to have our #goacc week in review. Last week we saw the old guy at the Beyonce concert reading a book win pretty handedly. I'm not so sure we'll see such a wide margin of victory this week. Several of these are all worthy winners. We'll also award a couple of #suregrin winners, a hilarious video edit, and as always, close with some wisdom from the world of wrasslin'. Let's get right down to voting - which is your #goacc Moment of the Week? Vote below!

1. Mark Richt lost control of his mind during this old blue jeans commercial (h/t @mattyports).

We unearthed a legit gem: Yes, that's Mark Richt in this 1982 commercial for "Jesus" jeans.

— Matt Porter (@mattyports) May 12, 2016

Everything about this is hysterical. Per that article, apparently Richt when he was a freshman at Miami answered the casting call for this italian blue jeans company called..."Blue Jesus." I absolutely guarantee that a picture of Richt will be blown up into a giant fathead esque sign for College Gameday in the fall. Better yet, come November 19, someone running the jumbotron at Carter-Finley needs to play that commercial during a timeout.

2. Tim Duncan got blocked into retirement (h/t @gifdsports).

Time to retire Timmy #TimDuncan

— gifdsports (@gifdsports) May 13, 2016

Damn. Not the way you want to see a player of Duncan's caliber go out. Honestly, I never expected the Thunder to win that series, but here we are. This clip is kind of a microcosm of that whole series.

3. Dino Babers used some....interesting language when talking about potential recruits (h/t @matthewfairburn).

Dino Babers said if there's a recruit who is egotistical enough that he won't come to Syracuse because he can't wear 44 than "piss on him."

— Matthew Fairburn (@MatthewFairburn) May 17, 2016

This is absolutely amazing. Hey, we've got more from our friends up north!

4. Syracuse fans were polled about what they'd like to see most at the "new" Carrier Dome. The fans wanted better seats (h/t @Dan_Lyons76)

Syracuse fans'd rather have more comfortable seating at the Dome than a good football team

— Dan Lyons (@Dan_Lyons76) May 17, 2016

Obviously after this tweet was sent out, whatever the equivalent of the Wolf Web is for Syracuse had some poll skewers attack that poll because if you look at it now, a winning football team is in the lead. Even still, people REALLY want to see some better seats in that dome, apparently. Props to @WillsWorldMN for sending me this poll.


The story on the end of Harrelson Hall:

— NC State University (@NCState) May 18, 2016

I wrote about this a little over 2 years ago here on BTP when the university announced this hell hole of a building was going to be demolished. Well, hallelujah y'all - that process has started. This really isn't #goacc in the grand scheme of things, but it needs to be celebrated. All the times people tripped on those awful steps, or got lost in that circular labyrinth of hell like I did many times, make sure to celebrate like I am.

6. Dabo Swinney goes undercover at the construction site for Clemson's new football facility as Frank from Albuquerque (h/t @ClemsonTigerNet).

WATCH: Swinney goes undercover as Fred from Albuquerque: #Clemson

— (@ClemsonTigerNet) May 17, 2016

I like how Clemson doesn't even try to hide that this is a glorified recruiting video and fundraising video all in one. Pretty amazing, actually.

the #suregrin awards.

Got a couple of award winners this week - first, lets start with the USA Today, and their, ahem, LACK of editors:

For real, @USATODAY? That isn't Colorado.

— Natalie Bee (@ghostinmarble) May 15, 2016

Yeah....good job good effort guys. I hope a retraction was printed for this.

Next, handing out a #suregrin award to all the Seahawks clowns that came over here to BTP trying to tell us that lived through the Russell Wilson-TOB saga that we were wrong, and that we didn't know what we were talking about. Those guys take #WellActually guy to a level never seen before. Go back to creating petitions to keep Cam Newton out of your stadium.

The best photoshop of the week!

Got another video edit this week instead for y'all, and this is a spectacular vine done by the folks over at Barstool Sports:

Steven Adams is basically just Adam Morrison after a Mario mushroom

— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) May 17, 2016

That is just so well done.

And now, for your moment of wrasslin'....


If y'all haven't been watching the NBA playoffs, well, you've been missing explosive dunks like this one. Take it away, JR!

LeBron James vicious dunk, as called by Jim Ross!! (Original vine by Moleman)

— Will Thompson (@thrillis4) May 18, 2016

Have a great week everyone!

Which is your #goacc Moment of the Week?

  127 votes | Results

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