Saturday 14 May 2016

Keep an eye on RSLC spending in NC's Supreme Court race

It's bound to be at the top of their list of priorities:

The RSLC is funded almost entirely by corporations, including West Virginia Coal Association members Alliance Coal of Tulsa, Oklahoma, which gave $70,000 between 2010 and 2012; Alpha Natural Resources of Abingdon, Virginia, which gave $54,000 since 2012, including $10,000 in June of last year; and Consol Energy of Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, which has given $315,000 since 2010.

According to state campaign finance records, the RLSC spent more than $2.6 million either supporting Walker or attacking her opponents. The RSLC spent $3.4 million on state supreme court races in four states and a local court contest in another during the 2013-14 election cycle, and it has already matched that amount this cycle.

If this process was taking place in almost anywhere other than an election, it would be ripe for a RICO investigation. If the mention of the RSLC seems to ring a bell, it should. They are the same group that spent $1.3 million supporting both of Robin Hudson's opponents, while also attacking her:

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