Sunday 15 May 2016

Civitas polling guilty of blatant misinformation

When the truth just won't do, make shit up:

Tim Moore, the speaker of the N.C. House of Representatives, said it’s an overwhelming consensus. "The one thing where we’ve seen nearly unanimous – well, nothing’s unanimous – but 80 percent support out there is the concept that men should not be in women’s restrooms, changing rooms, bathrooms, et cetera – that that shouldn’t happen," Moore said in a May 5 discussion with reporters.

The (Civitas) poll asked: "Do you agree or disagree with a Virginia federal court ruling ordering girls and boys in public middle schools to share locker room, bathroom and shower facilities?"

Bolding mine. That doesn't even resemble what the court ruling actually said. Civitas would have people believe the court ruled there would no longer be separate facilities, and boys and girls would *all* be forced to share a single unisex space for changing, showering, waste excretion, etc. That goes beyond mere hyperbole, and was designed to achieve two goals: A super-high percentage (80%) that could be quoted by idiots like Speaker Moore, and to spread misinformation, starting with the 600 people "polled." If it's possible you could go from zero credibility into negative numbers, Civitas has just crossed that threshold.

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