Monday 30 May 2016

Senate Republicans target married military couples

The chickenhawks are at it again:

Instead of the current Basic Allowance for Housing system, which assigns flat-rate stipends for zip codes across the country based on troops’ rank and family status, the new proposal would move closer to the military’s Overseas Housing Allowance. That system sets maximum payable stipends but awards troops only for their actual expenses, making recipients provide proof of what they pay in rent and utilities costs.

Dual military couples and service members who room with friends would not be able to game the system either. They’d see their individual stipend cut in half, adjusted to cover just their actual costs and nothing more.

Let's get one thing clear from the get-go: A married couple who are both active duty service members are not "gaming the system," they are (both) serving their country and enduring countless hardships. My niece and her husband were both active duty Air Force for several years (she's a civilian now), both working hospital clinic hours. Child care costs were horrendous, and ate up any amount of surplus they might have seen from dual BAH payments. I realize many reading this are not very sympathetic to active duty military personnel, and you have many other issues on your plate about which you are more concerned. But if you want to take back the US Senate, this is an issue that has the potential to do just that. Even though Burr does not sit on the Armed Services Committee (Tillis does), replacing Burr with Deborah Ross is the first step to regaining a majority, which will also flip the leadership of the SASC and stop these insane efforts to balance the budget on the backs of our men and women in uniform.

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