Tuesday 24 May 2016

The Southern tradition of kicking blacks off juries

Chief Justice Roberts calls bs, vacates Georgia death sentence:

The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that prosecutors in Georgia violated the Constitution by striking every black prospective juror in a death penalty case against a black defendant. The vote was 7 to 1, with Justice Clarence Thomas dissenting.

In notes that did not surface until decades later, prosecutors marked the names of black prospective jurors with a B and highlighted those names in green. They circled the word “black” where potential jurors had noted their race on questionnaires. After Mr. Foster was convicted, Stephen Lanier, the lead prosecutor, urged the all-white jury to impose a death sentence to “deter other people out there in the projects.” The jury did so.

First of all, what the fracking frack? Second of all, Clarence Thomas is not just an idiot, his hatred for his own race has made him delusional:


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