Saturday 14 May 2016

HB2 triggers nationwide directive on transgender student rights

Dog help me, I do love this President:

“A school may not require transgender students to use facilities inconsistent with their gender identity or to use individual-user facilities when other students are not required to do so,” according to the letter, a copy of which was provided to The New York Times.

A school’s obligation under federal law “to ensure nondiscrimination on the basis of sex requires schools to provide transgender students equal access to educational programs and activities even in circumstances in which other students, parents, or community members raise objections or concerns,” the letter states. “As is consistently recognized in civil rights cases, the desire to accommodate others’ discomfort cannot justify a policy that singles out and disadvantages a particular class of students.”

And that is exactly the role for the Executive envisioned by the founders. To make sure both the US Constitution and established Statute (Civil Rights Act) are being followed in the several states. These legal structures were not put in place to protect majority desires, they were put in place for the exact opposite reason:

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