Sunday 1 May 2016

Silencing of dissent: SolarBee fiasco exposes deeper problems in McCrory's administration


Suppression of science is a hallmark of totalitarian regimes:

Steve Tedder, with nearly 40 years of experience with the state in what’s now called the Department of Environmental Quality, is out as the leader of the Environmental Management Commission’s Water Quality Committee. The reason is simple: Tedder dared to question the decision of Gov. Pat McCrory administration’s to retract a report that was critical of the SolarBee project in Jordan Lake.

Whether it's a report on charter schools that is not "glowing enough," or an assessment of the weakness of coal ash impoundments and potential contamination of water that might result, Republicans seem determined to filter and edit data that is produced to assess their policies. They want assessments, they just don't want accurate assessments. These are not the behaviors of a democracy, they are characteristic of something else entirely:

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