Sunday 1 May 2016

NC's Congressional Democrats speak out on voter suppression

The real defenders of the Constitution:

While Democrats have gone to court in Arizona to reverse this culture of discrimination and disenfranchisement, Republicans are going to court to defend laws designed to decrease voter turnout because they believe that when fewer people vote, they have a better chance of winning. Make no mistake: This is part of a consistent and concerted effort by Republicans to silence voters who do not agree with their agenda. We expect that these laws, like the one passed in North Carolina, will ultimately be declared unconstitutional, and we will continue the fight at the congressional level to restore the critical protections of the Voting Rights Act.

The sad truth is, it's not just Republican politicians who want to limit/place barriers in front of certain voters; many white people are deeply concerned about changing demographics, and their perception that they will lose their position as the primary "deciders" of how our country develops has led them to ignore blatantly unconstitutional steps by the GOP. Equality is a fine principle until it actually happens.

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