Saturday 13 August 2016

Right-wing DC "think tank" attacks corporate HB2 opponents

Invading shareholder meetings to spread their bigoted viewpoints:

Justin Danhof, general counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research in Washington, said in an interview Thursday that he also intends to attend shareholder meetings of other companies – both within and outside of North Carolina – that signed an amicus brief in support of the U.S. Department of Justice’s opposition to the law.

“The largest takeaway of why we’re doing this is that the public narrative about H.B. 2 has really been wrongly focused, in our opinion,” Danhof said. “All you hear about is North Carolina and bathrooms, North Carolina and bathrooms. It’s about a much bigger issue than that.”

Frankly, if Trump can kick people out of his (public) rallies using whatever criteria moves him at the moment, I don't see why this jackass is allowed to speak during meetings with shareholders. And by the way, his comments above are watered down for mainstream media consumption. Here's what he really thinks:

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