Monday 15 August 2016

New UNC environmental "collaboratory" may violate state law

That's not the way we bake these particular cakes:

“One of the problems is that the UNC code requires these things to come from the faculty up,” he said. “There’s a whole process of planning and approval that has to be followed, and that planning and approval is very detailed.”

Leonard has heard mutterings about the possibility of faculty members bringing a lawsuit over the collaboratory’s creation. The premise of the suit would be that state law does not allow the Legislature to make appropriations for individual campuses. Regardless of whether a suit is brought, issues that need to be addressed are who came up with the idea for the collaboratory and whether any system rules or state laws were violated, Leonard said.

They should file a suit, before this thing becomes a (potentially costly) reality. If nothing else, said legal proceedings will establish a public record, a definition of processes and goals. That way, if (when?) this Center starts leaning in an industry-friendly direction, and promotes pseudo-science to help Republicans water-down our environmental regulations even more, we can point back to their broken promises.

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