Monday 29 August 2016

UNC issues painfully optimistic summary of "Collaboratory" goals

A whole lotta roses, but no mention of the thorns:

The collaboratory will facilitate the dissemination of the policy and research expertise of the University for practical use by state and local government officials in the area of natural resources management policy.

Serving as a clearinghouse and coordinating entity, the collaboratory will connect the academic and research expertise of Carolina faculty who specialize in environmental and related public policy areas with state and local governments on environmental policy issues.

The way this is written, it would appear this new entity won't be doing any of its own research, which calls into question the $3.5 million in operating revenue. If it does merely "facilitate" and "coordinate" research done by already existing faculty, that means it will be wielding influence over even larger segments of the University, who currently operate under their own mandates. If I'm reading that wrong, you can blame this naive press release, and not me. And this leaves one critical question unanswered:

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