Tuesday 30 August 2016

GOP hypocrisy: "I was depressed and lonely, so I looked at child porn."

And since Republicans won't say it, still not transgender:

He was president of a Charlotte area Tea Party group for years. He was the volunteer Mecklenburg County chair for N.C. Lt. Gov. Dan Forest’s campaign in 2012 and co-designed the grassroots strategy to get Forest elected, his lawyers said. He led the charge to stop sports taxes in Charlotte. He stood up for what he believed in, say those who knew him. But Christian Hine had a secret.

In order to battle an autistic disorder and depression from a failed relationship, he was “self-medicating” with child pornography.

On a scale of one to whatthefuck, that's about a twelve. Aside from the fact his lawyers have constructed a purely clinical argument designed to absolve him of any responsibility for his actions, there's a huge difference between adult pornography and child pornography. Those who engage in the file-sharing of the latter are directly responsible for the abuse of children, many of them barely out of kindergarten. And those individuals (many who are Christian) who try to equate all pornography as the "same evil" demonstrate clearly their sociopathic disregard for the innocent victims of the truly perverted. Here's more apologizing and rationalizing, if you can stomach it:


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