Tuesday 16 August 2016

Jay Faison's ClearPath gives $400k to Richard Burr

Any environmentalist still sitting on the fence over this greenwashing machine needs to have their head examined:

As if to prove Miller right, ClearPath Action Fund announced earlier this month that it will be spending at least $400,000 to help reelect Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina. There is no honest way to present Burr as a defender of the environment, the climate, or clean energy. Just last year, he voted to force approval of Keystone XL, to block the Clean Power Plan, against renewing the wind and solar energy tax credits, and against closing the Halliburton loophole that exempts fracking from safe drinking water regulations, which is why he got a paltry 4 percent voting score from LCV for 2015.

Burr hasn’t even feigned concern for the climate or clean energy. In endorsing Burr, Faison shows that these issues are not his top priority either; rather, Republican control of Congress is. Faison said as much in a memo he released publicly in late July: “If Republicans are going to keep the U.S. House and Senate, our candidates and our party must go on the offense on clean energy to win over swing voters.”

For those of you who wonder why I am still pursuing this issue, it's because way too many environmental organizations are continuing to drink Faison's Kool-aid:


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