Sunday 28 August 2016

Judge tells UNC not to enforce HB2


The pillars of state-sponsored discrimination are crumbling:

While legal challenge to HB2 proceeds, judge prohibits UNC from enforcing the discriminatory provision targeting transgender people in facilities operated by the University.

"Today's decision is an important step towards rectifying the harm HB2 has done to North Carolina -- specifically the LGBTQ people that call North Carolina home,” said Equality NC Director of Advancement Matt Hirschy. “Judge Schroeder's decision confirms that HB2 is a blatant attack on the transgender community. The preliminary injunction will provide much-needed relief to the brave plaintiffs, and we are confident that this is just the beginning in an unfortunately long journey towards a full repeal of the worst anti-LGBTQ law in the nation."

While this injunction only applies to the plaintiffs in the suit, it does imply that Judge Schroeder is leaning in the direction that HB2 violates Title IX protections. Fingers crossed.

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