Thursday 5 May 2016

Neocons gearing up to torpedo Trump

Pushing for a third-party alternative:

Even if a third candidacy still yielded a Clinton victory, it would be worthwhile. It would, first, deny the Clinton campaign the illusion of a mandate from American voters who would have, en masse, turned out to reject Trump. If nothing else, a strong third-candidate vote would send her a message to govern from the center, rather than in deference to her party’s increasingly powerful left wing.

A new, center-right party may be necessary – we cannot yet tell. If it is, the outlines of its platform are easy to anticipate: reverence for the Constitution; serious grappling with the domestic problems associated with economic opportunity for all, education and affordable health care; and commitment to the internationalist tradition of the post-World War II consensus.

Bolding mine. That's all you really need to know about neocons, past, present and future. They don't care what happens on the homefront, as long as there are hundreds of billions dedicated to expanding the Empire across the globe.

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