Friday 6 May 2016

NC State Coaches Corner Nears Completion

That's Cool And All But Does Anyone Know Any Resurrection Spells?

When I was a student, NC State was in a transition phase where many of its traditions were being phased out or modified. Due to this problem, folks on campus really struggled trying to establish new ones. Also of note, the physical campus itself was transitioning as Centennial was beginning to form and an entire beautification process swarmed all throughout Brick City.

Still, it wasn't until after I graduated that some of these new traditions begin to solidify themselves. In 2009, Student Body Officers and administrators at NC State decided to erect statues of our most legendary basketball coaches--Everett Case, Norm Sloan, Kay Yow, and Jim Valvano--under the name "Coaches Corner." Phase 1 saw the completion of the Kay Yow statue, appropriately placed outside of Reynolds, and now the project moves on to its final stages leading toward its completion this fall.

Various committee members selected multiple sculptors to work on the project and each coach looks to have a unique pose and expression that is representative of their personality and accomplishments while at NC State. The website for Coaches Corner gives a more detailed description, as well as opportunities to support the project though it hasn't been updated in a little while. Currently, the project is hoping to unveil its final product in September, giving the class of 2020 (!?!?!) a visible history lesson to build new traditions around.

No word on when the statues of Robinson, Sendek, and Lowe will be completed, but the university has nixed plans on the Mark Gottfried bust, citing fear of a lawsuit from Jeff Goodman's estate following the inevitable heart attack it would cause.

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