Monday 8 February 2016

Predictably, GOP uses election to justify keeping unconstitutional districts

Elevating shirking responsibility to an art form:

"We trust the federal trial court was not aware an election was already underway and surely did not intend to throw our state into chaos by nullifying ballots that have already been sent out and votes that have already been cast," Sen. Bob Rucho, R-Mecklenburg, and Rep. David Lewis, R-Harnett, said in a statement. "We hope the court will realize the serious and far-reaching ramifications of its unprecedented, eleventh-hour action and immediately issue a stay."

"The pressures that we have are not made up. They are real, live democracy questions," Lawson said. "This is kind of democracy in real time, needing to make sure that we have everything ready for elections that, in fact, have already started."

Guess what, Josh? Sweeping tens of thousands of African-American voters into other districts is a "real, live democracy question" too, and leaving that in place is a much harder pill to swallow than the difficulties straightening out absentee ballots. Also, big LOLs to Rucho and Lewis on that "unprecedented, eleventh-hour action" bullshit. How many bills did you guys shove through in midnight sessions, or about fifteen minutes after giving Legislators a 100-200 page secretly-rewritten and glaringly controversial bill that various committees had already rejected? Petard, hoisted. Get over it.

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