Wednesday 23 September 2015

The GOP's misleading rhetoric about Medicaid

Using old data to justify reworking an already efficient system:

Years of cost overruns by North Carolina’s Medicaid program, a government health insurance program that serves the poor, elderly and disabled, have long frustrated state lawmakers. Lambeth said some years the $14 billion program ran $2 billion short, forcing lawmakers to scramble to pull together extra funding. Interest in reforming the program emerged about five years ago from a desire to achieve better budget predictability.

“I think this is one of those legacy bills that will save the state money for years and years down the line,” Lambeth told the group. “If it doesn’t save us 10 percent I would be very, very surprised. It’s possible that it could save us 20 to 25 percent.”

And before you say it, you're right: He's talking about budgeting problems encountered before the Community Care system was put in place. And it took a pointed question, unfortunately asked *after* his presentation, for Lambeth to admit the current system works very well:

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