Monday 28 September 2015

Republican idiocy surrounding Food Stamp issues

There should be a test to determine if lawmakers are able-brained:

Lawmakers in the Senate who debated the bill on Thursday said cutting off the benefits would induce people to find jobs. “I don’t know the exact number of people that this can ultimately affect, but I think that you’re going to see a lot of them either go and get that 20-hour-a-week job or they’re going to enroll in some kind of higher education to improve their job skills,” said Sen. Norman Sanderson (R-Arapahoe).

Pay attention, Einstein: The "S" in SNAP stands for supplemental. It only amounts to about $45 per week. If you honestly believe that somebody would choose not to work simply because they're receiving that, then you are a bonafide idiot. And as far as enrolling in higher education, many of Sanderson's constituents would have to drive 40+ miles to attend Pamlico Community College. They could receive financial aid to attend, but they would need a working automobile, money for gas, and a whole lot of other associated costs that Norman Sanderson doesn't have a clue are involved. It's one thing to hear an urban conservative spout such nonsense, but someone representing distressed Eastern North Carolina counties? Boggles the mind.

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