Friday 25 September 2015

Scared little children pass bill attacking Planned Parenthood

Because they can't tell fiction from reality:

The bill’s sponsor, Wake County Republican Sen. Chad Barefoot, said the bill was prompted by hidden-camera videos suggesting that Planned Parenthood was selling body parts from abortions.

“The videos are utterly gruesome and callous, and their contents represent a dark and depraved part of our culture,” Barefoot said. “We shouldn’t turn a blind eye. A marketplace for the sale of the remains of unborn children is growing in this country.”

Here's a little science for you, Chad: The development of a vaccine for Rubella (German Measles) was discovered using fetal tissue from an abortion, and that vaccine has since prevented about 5,000 unwanted spontaneous abortions per year since then. And there's treatment for Parkinson's, Ebola, Cancer, and AIDs resulting from fetal tissue research, as well. But possibly the most disheartening result of this bill is the fact only 3 Democrats voted against it. When you let fear of political ramifications overcome science and common sense, that too sends a message.

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