Tuesday 29 September 2015

Rebuttal to muni-broadband opponents

And unlike some corporate puppets, this guy knows what he's talking about:

By supporting U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis’ legislation to remove local authority for building broadband networks, the two lawmakers are siding with big cable and telephone firms over their own communities.

It is hardly a secret that Time Warner Cable, AT&T, CenturyLink and others are investing too little in rural communities. The majority of residents and local businesses in North Carolina have no real choice today and can expect their bills to go up tomorrow.

And yes, he's responding to the op-ed we talked about a few months ago. As somebody who's running for local government office, I have had my fill of state legislators dictating what duly elected town/city officials can and cannot do. And now we can add US Senators to that list of meddling, power-hungry tyrants.


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