Monday 21 September 2015

Giving polluters a confidentiality clause

You don't need to know what's killing you:

With the passage of a long-sought budget agreement behind them, state legislators are expected to wrap up several major pieces of legislation this week, including at least one bill that will roll back environmental regulations.

Diggins said one provision likely to stay in the bill is an environmental self-audit provision that would allow polluters to self report violation to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Those violations would in turn, be kept confidential.

You know, it's one thing to keep meetings discussing personnel issues confidential; strong arguments could be made either way. But when an individual or business releases toxic pollution into the air or groundwater, that is *everybody's* concern, especially those families in close proximity to the danger. You'd think we would have learned that by now, after the cancer clusters associated with Camp Lejeune and the CTS Asheville site came to light. But when you care more about industry profits than you do the health and safety of the citizenry, I guess "learning" is something to be avoided.

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