Sunday 27 September 2015

Battle brewing over Boehner's replacement

The right-wing nutters are becoming apoplectic:

It is infuriating to hear that these people in the House are seriously looking to replace Boehner with his co-conspirator Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). McCarthy — whose voting record is slightly to the right of Renee Ellmers — has stood with Boehner as House conservatives have been retaliated against.

He’s stood with Boehner as attempts to kill Obamacare, stop amnesty, and halt debt ceiling increases have been squashed. (As have fellow House leadership team members Virginia Foxx and Patrick McHenry.) McCarthy and other House leaders have fretted over demanding the defunding of Planned Parenthood because the fight would likely lead to a government shutdown. Tell me again what’s so bad about a government shutdown.

Bolding his. Aside from the fact that Soldiers, Sailors, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard will have their paychecks stopped this time around, if you'd take a peek outside your ideological bubble you would realize that a super-majority of US citizens do *not* want the government shut down. But go right ahead, that may be the only thing that could make Republican gerrymandering of the House a secondary consideration. And the fact Boehner has allowed the House to vote 55 times (or maybe more, I've lost count) to repeal Obamacare, the only thing that's been "squashed" is the taxpayers' expectation of responsible governing from that body. The crazy is going to get epic before this is over.

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