Monday 1 August 2016

November's Gubernatorial vote is about election boards, too

As if you needed another reason to get rid of McCrory:

The Pender elections board was able to get the state board to reduce the number of hours to about 400 during the 2014 elections when the Pender board members unanimously agreed that 577 hours was unnecessary. Since a new Democrat was appointed to the board last year, we have been unable to agree...The Republicans also agreed to increase the number of hours, but the Democrat on the board refused to compromise by insisting that Sunday voting be allowed.

I think many people forget that less than two decades ago, everyone voted on the same day. As a reporter for this newspaper at that time, I remember the long lines and long hours. We certainly don’t want to return to those days. But reason and not politics should enter into this decision.

Bolding mine. After going on a (public) tirade about how the lone Democrat on your board didn't agree with your efforts to limit voting, for you to cap it off with a comment about keeping politics out of the discussion is mind-numbingly ironic. As far as Sunday voting, that may be the *ideal* day for many of those elderly folks about which you claim to be concerned. They may be home-bound for most of the week, but it's a good bet many of them catch a ride to church. When services are over, drop by the voting booth, and then go home. Because making voting easier is what County boards are supposed to be doing, and not parsing statistics to justify the opposite.

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