Wednesday 4 November 2015

Solar farmer sets the record straight

This is how you save rural America:

After speaking with our neighbors and family, we chose to use 34 acres of our farmland for a solar farm, producing enough power for 800 homes. We kept more than 200 acres as traditional farmland.

Our solar farm does not produce any noise or pollution, and our property value has not decreased. So far, the additional income from our solar farm has been used for medical bills, but my health has improved. And solar helps us provide for our family and keep our land where it belongs – in our family.

Compared to fracking, which taints wells, poisons farm animals, and guts property values to the point you can't even give away your land just to escape the nightmare. You won't find a more stark example of how little Republicans actually care for those they are supposed to represent than this one.

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