Monday 30 November 2015

NC Pre-K floundering: Time for Leandro III lawsuit

Where's the bond to strengthen our human infrastructure?

That’s of concern. But what’s even more concerning is that, as of last month, there’s a waiting list, 500 or 600 deep in Forsyth County alone, of parents who want their children to be in Head Start or N.C. Pre-K, and it can’t go unsaid that the reason they’re not enrolled is the cuts to these programs enacted by the state legislature.

Here are children who want to learn, and parents who want their children to learn. Here’s a state that is traditionally dedicated to quality education for all. And here’s a state legislature that’s more interested in giving raises to UNC chancellors than providing preschool for 4-year-olds in working families. These priorities are skewed.

Their priorities are skewed, and as they've proven numerous times in the past, the GOP leadership will not follow the law unless and until a court decision requires them to. Republicans have made several legal arguments over the last few years in an effort to abandon these children, but the core requirements of Leandro are still in place:

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