Saturday 14 November 2015

Advocates for womens' choice eyeing Supreme Court case

The struggle continues:

Legislators in this state in recent years have tried to enact the two provisions that are the legal issues in the Texas case: requiring doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, and requiring abortion clinics to meet the same building standards as same-day surgery centers.

Neither of those provisions survived in bills that became law in North Carolina, although a string of controversial new requirements limiting access to abortions have been enacted.

This may seem more like a "technical" issue than one of rights gained/lost, and that's exactly what the ant-abortion movement is counting on. The real-world impact of Texas' law caused the closure of over half of the geographically huge state's clinics, and it would have a similar effect here in NC. And the purely deceptive tactics of the anti-abortion zealots needs an airing, too:

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