Wednesday 18 November 2015

Defunded and forgotten: NC's struggling unemployed

The very last thing Republicans should be bragging about:

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory has been patting himself on the back because North Carolina now has a $1 billion surplus in its unemployment insurance reserve. McCrory’s boasting about the state repaying the federal government $2.8 billion in money borrowed to pay unemployment benefits in North Carolina because the state ran out of money thanks to the Great Recession.

Yes, the Recession played a major role in the spike of job losses. But the size of the Federal debt we incurred is a direct result of the "business-friendly" reduction in unemployment insurance payments for those same companies that McCrory and Legislative Republicans wanted to protect later. Democrats own the first part of that idiotic, common-sense-lacking formula, which is one *big* reason some of us "radical Progressives" bristle when we hear that same "business-friendly" language popping out of the mouths of 2015 Democrats. Here's a clue: The playing field is already tilted dangerously, but it's not the business owners falling into the abyss, it's their employees. Get your priorities straight, or start baking some cupcakes for your fundraising bake sale.

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