Monday 9 November 2015

McCrory administration's lack of integrity lands them in court

Violating public records laws left and right:

“This administration, and particularly the agencies that are within the ambit of the governor’s appointive powers, are just performing abysmally when it comes to complying with the public records law,” said Hugh Stevens, lawyer for a group of eight leading media outlets and public interest groups that sued Republican Gov. Pat McCrory and the secretaries of eight Cabinet agencies in July.

McCrory’s office didn’t respond to requests for comment. In July, it said his administration is a “champion of transparency and fair and legitimate news gathering.” But it also said some people are “exploiting the public records law and filing overly-broad and duplicative records requests that gum up the day-to-day operations of state government.”

It's not up to you or your lackeys to decide if a request is "fair and legitimate news gathering," which is a good thing because your childish reactions to stories about your unethical practices prove you don't have a clue about how to differentiate between right and wrong.

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