Wednesday 4 November 2015

Eleven percent of eleven percent just doesn't cut it

Here are the final vote counts in Gibsonville's municipal election:

Mayor Leonard “Lenny” Williams will keep his seat. He got 388 votes — 71 percent of the votes. Opponent Paul Thompson garnered 148 votes — 27 percent.

In the aldermen’s race, incumbent Mark Shepherd came in first with 382 votes — 25 percent. Incumbent Clarence Owen came in second with 364 votes — 24 percent. Incumbent Paul Dean came in third with 297 votes — 20 percent. Joel T. Isley received 259 votes — 17 percent. Steve Harrison received 173 votes — 11 percent.

All told, it was a good experience, and definitely not something people should be afraid of trying. Congrats to those who prevailed, and for those of us who didn't, get ready for round two. :)

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