Saturday 7 November 2015

Carson's lies keep piling up

But it doesn't make his supporters even flinch:

Carson’s book said that he was introduced in 1969 to Gen. William Westmoreland, who was then the chief of staff of the Army and a recent commander of U.S. military operations in Vietnam. The meeting, the book said, was followed by Carson being offered a full scholarship to West Point.

The story held up until now. But in retrospect, it is clear that it doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. The process to getting into West Point requires applicants to obtain a nomination, most commonly from their congressman, senator or vice president of the United States. The secretary of the Army — an appointed civilian leader — also can nominate a student for consideration, but the service’s four-star chief of staff — Westmoreland from July 1968 through June 1972 — is not eligible to do so.

And it looks like Westmoreland wasn't even in attendance at the time and place he was supposed to have offered Carson a slot at West Point. Maybe Ben got his stories confused? Did he try to stab the General instead, only to be foiled by his belt buckle? Was he going to hide the body in an Egyptian grain silo? These are important questions.

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