Sunday 1 November 2015

A swing and a miss in defense of Spellings' appointment

How to lose an argument before it even starts:

As a former journalism teacher and newspaper reporter, I understand why the media are adamant that searches be conducted in the open. I respectfully disagree. I commend Chairman John Fennebresque and the search committee for its outstanding work as they spent hundreds of hours in reviewing qualified applicants from around the world and in interviewing and seriously considering more than a dozen candidates.

To have involved all 32 members of the UNC Board of Governors, faculty, staff and students would have indeed created a circus atmosphere. Thank goodness the majority on the Board of Governors did not succumb to the pressure to open the process.

And just exactly who were those "more than a dozen candidates" of which you speak? And what were the criteria used in that "hundreds of hours in reviewing" you claim took place? The truth is, you don't know if any of that is accurate, you're just regurgitating happy talk from press releases. A journalism teacher? What the hell did you teach them, the fewer the questions the better? Write about what you *don't* know

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