Monday 2 January 2017

Texas judge backs religious "freedom to discriminate"

Slouching towards theocracy:

A federal judge in Texas on Saturday issued a nationwide injunction halting enforcement of Obama administration protections for transgender and abortion-related healthcare services just one day before they were due to go into effect.

Explaining the lawsuit, O’Connor wrote, “Plaintiffs claim the Rule’s interpretation of sex discrimination pressures doctors to deliver healthcare in a manner that violates their religious freedom and thwarts their independent medical judgment and will require burdensome changes to their health insurance plans on January 1, 2017.”

I'm sure many of them feel the burden of keeping their medical license current also thwarts their judgment, why don't we do away with that, too? Because we expect medical professionals to operate within the guidelines of their governing bodies. And why do we expect that? Because we don't live in the 14th Century anymore.

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