Wednesday 25 January 2017

BTP The Podcast Vol. 21: Talkin’ Duke win with James Curle

yay winning!

When someone in the comments makes a request, doggone it, we answer it! It’s how we justify the site’s hefty subscription fees. Joining Will and myself this week is James Curle, who you may know from the Riddick & Reynolds podcast.

James retired from the podcasting game this past summer, though you can still find all the old R&R episodes on iTunes.

We talked some Duke, we talked some Dennis Smith dunk action, plus some football and non-revenue sports things as well. Play it below or find it on iTunes. (I’ve made a mental note for next time to actually stay close to the microphone. If you can hardly hear me on this episode, don’t worry, it ain’t you or your computer, it’s me.)

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