Monday 30 January 2017

The dangers of having a Liar-In-Chief in the White House

The downside could be fatal for many:

Lying from the Oval Office carries far graver consequences than fibs from the penthouse at Trump Towers. Presidential lies aren’t trivial quibbles over the size of the crowd at an event or how many votes won in an election. Imagined, or hoped-for facts cannot become the basis for policies and laws that have consequences beyond the stage-managed world of reality TV.

They are about life-and-death: which refugees will find safety when they flee their war-torn homes; which of our nation’s allies the U.S. will defend against foreign aggression and our nation’s armed service personnel will legitimately put into situations by a Commander and Chief who may require the ultimate sacrifice.

I did two hitches in the Army, and all except the last month or two were under Ronald Reagan. Many of us were certain that Ronnie would take us into a major conflict, but (luckily for me) that didn't happen until a few years after he left office. But Trump is no Reagan, and I can't imagine what's going through the minds of our active duty troops right now. War with Russia? Friends with Russia? We just sent some boots into Yemen and lost an American soldier, but the Liar-In-Chief was too busy attacking his imaginary enemies on Twitter to even acknowledge the sacrifice. The truth is, he doesn't care. He doesn't care about anybody but himself, and that does not bode well for any of us, even if you're not a Muslim or a military member with your rucksack packed and ready to go. That level of casual disregard puts us all in jeopardy.

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