Tuesday 31 January 2017

Tuesday News: The real HB2 bullies


OVERBEARING GOP LEADERS STOP RANK-AND-FILE LEGISLATORS FROM TAKING A STAND (Capitol Broadcasting Co. editorial) -- A majority of N.C. legislators won't say how they stand on HB2 repeal. The citizens they represent deserve to know. Barely a third of the 50-member Senate and 44 percent of the House of Representatives shared their positions on repeal when the Associated Press and eight newspapers asked. Overwhelmingly, those who refused to respond were Republicans. It is a sad and shameful display of timidity and fear. These Republicans are cowed by their leadership, particularly Senate boss Phil Berger, R-Rockingham and House Speaker Tim Moore, R-Cleveland. They fear reprisal should they express opinions contrary to those dictated by their party caucus commanders.


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