Monday 16 January 2017

Trump Regret Syndrome: Wait, you were serious about repealing Obamacare?

Believing the lies, ignoring the truth:

Representative Richard Hudson of North Carolina said Friday there is "a lot of angst in our state" over an Obamacare repeal and that he participated in a telephone town-hall with 12,000 people a day earlier.

"My constituents are freaking out about commercials they are seeing on TV about how they are going to lose their health care," he said. Hudson said he tells constituents regarding Republican efforts to devise a replacement plan, "If Obamacare is working for you, we want to hear you say that, too."

And before you even ask, yes, this is a huge flip-flop from Richard Hudson. He's been an adamant opponent of the Affordable Care Act since he's been in the House, and has been wailing about government overreach and how the mandate has been choking businesses. But now that a repeal is a distinct possibility, he's trying to cover his ass with his base and act like an innocent bystander. But the Internet is not so easily fooled:

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