Tuesday 13 December 2016

Wake Forest radio analyst leaked confidential game plan info to other schools

holy moley

It’ll be tough for the rest of college football to top this one. According to Wake Forest, an investigation uncovered evidence that former Deacs assistant coach Tommy Elrod has been leaking game plan info to opponents since 2014. Elrod, who is a Wake alum, was an assistant on Jim Grobe’s staff and joined the Deacs’ radio crew after the coaching change (in 2014).

This is, um, a lot to take in. From Wake’s press release:

Based on emails, text messages and phone records, Tommy Elrod, a radio announcer for Wake Forest football games, provided or attempted to provide confidential and proprietary game preparations on multiple occasions, starting in 2014.

Wake had been investigating this matter since the team’s trip to Louisville in November, when some game plan documents were found in the Louisville coaches’ box. Turns out the Deacs may not simply have been being paranoid.

I suppose the idea of plays or game plans being leaked is not overly shocking—but by an alum on your own radio crew?! Damn, dude, that is some shit. If this investigation’s findings are true, then basically Elrod was acting to undermine Dave Clawson after Clawson opted not to keep him on the coaching staff (where he would have made a lot more money). That’s nuts.

After Dave Doeren learns about this he will cancel all press conferences forever, then force the players and coaches to move into the indoor facility, which will be armed with a state-of-the-art, machine-gun-laden drawbridge, and surrounded by a moat filled with super-smart knife-wielding alligators.

Go check in with our friends at Blogger So Dear for more on this one as it develops. (Remain here for any future knife-gator developments.)


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