Thursday 29 December 2016

Cash Michaels: GOP's power grab limits minority hires in new administration

It's not just Democrats in general who are being held back:

Based on his posture as a moderate Democrat, Cooper attracted a lion’s share of the Black vote in November, enough to help him unseat McCrory by just over 10,000 votes, to become North Carolina’s 75th governor on January 7, 2017.

However, now, thanks to measures passed last week by the Republican-led General Assembly in an extra special session, and signed this week by McCrory before he leaves office, observers say Cooper’s ability to indeed govern in the interest of all North Carolinians and make sure communities of color across the State are heard, respected, and reflected in his administration, has been severely compromised with the removal of many of his key appointment powers.

Just looking at the numbers, with McCrory (being able to) replace 1,500 employees, and now Cooper only being able to replace less than 1/3 that number, the opportunities for more diversity have been severely curtailed. And since many of those positions are middle-management, lower-level employees are going to be facing some weird political dynamics with their bosses. And if NC's employment history is any reliable gauge, African-Americans will suffer the most under such a formula.

Editor's note: We almost lost Cash to cancer earlier this year, but he's back in the saddle again. Read what he writes, you will learn something.

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