Saturday 17 December 2016

Counting the costs of petty tyrants in the NCGA

Killing democracy with a thousand cuts:

The legislature, meeting in a last-minute, year-end special session, approved a proposal along party lines Friday that would effectively give Republicans control of the state Board of Elections during election years. Outgoing Gov. Pat McCrory (R) signed the bill into law Friday, despite not issuing any comment on the drama that has been wracking North Carolina politics since Wednesday.

Lawmakers also passed a bill that, for the first time in decades, would require the governor to get approval by the state Senate for his Cabinet appointees and end his ability to appoint members to the board of trustees of the powerful UNC school system. The measure would also drastically reduce the number of state employees the governor can directly hire and fire, from 1,500 to 425.

That last part, about the hiring and firing, can best be described in two words: Invade and entrench. They upped the number to 1,500 for McCrory, so he could insert as many GOP operatives into state government as he pleased. Then they took it away from Cooper, so many of those operatives could stay in place. Which makes this comment by the Bergermeister even more misleading than his usual tripe:

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