Friday 2 September 2016

McCrory spouts gibberish about Supreme Court failure


A vigorously-tossed word-salad:

“North Carolina has been denied basic voting rights already granted to more than 30 other states to protect the integrity of one person, one vote through a common-sense voter ID law. Even without any support from our state’s attorney general, we were pleased that four justices, including Chief Justice John Roberts, agreed with this right while four liberal justices blocked North Carolina protections afforded by our sensible voter laws.” – Governor Pat McCrory

Yes, he just described the worst voter suppression law in the country as one which grants "basic voting rights." It's plain he doesn't understand the difference between "rights" and "restrictions," something which might have held him back in the 3rd Grade if he couldn't work his way through it. Sheesh. The world must seem frightening to this moron.

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