Thursday 22 September 2016

Republicans use faulty evidence to indict Cooper

That report doesn't say what you think it does:

Rep. Marilyn Avila’s remarks were delivered through a couple of layers of politics: She spoke at a GOP news conference attacking Democratic Attorney General Roy Cooper for problems at the lab, and she is running for re-election against the former lab director, Joe John.

Avila, a chemist who lives in Raleigh, never mentioned John in her remarks and only passingly criticized Cooper, who is running for governor. She focused on the larger concerns raised in the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology report, which was released Tuesday.

She may have only "passingly" criticized Cooper, but the two others with her made up for that shortfall. And as I said on Facebook: In typical fashion, the NC GOP is now attacking Roy Cooper for a problem that is more their fault than his. The NC Crime Lab is woefully underfunded by the Legislature, lacking supplies, staffing, and crushed under unfunded mandates. And most attempts to rectify that, such as the bill I'm linking to below, are tossed into the committee dustbin. It would be nice to see a front-page story about this, but don't hold your breath:

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